Scientific and Technical Information

Scientific and Technical Information

The scientific information team of UMR8230 is composed of 6 full-time engineers, who design, edit, develop and administer the different scientific information tools of the laboratory (dictionaries, databases, scientific editions, digital editions).



Dina Bacalexi (IRHC), Laurent Capron (IR), Julie Giovacchini (IR), Sébastien Grignon (IR), Juliette Lemaire (IE), Pinelopi Skarsouli (IE)

To discover more about the activities of the group: see the page Scientific Information Tools.


Follow the work of the Group on the IPhiS Hypothesis Notebook :  L’information philologique – Construire une bibliographie des sources antiques et de l’histoire des idées.

Funded programs

Cartography of ancient philosophers

The project (2018-2020), aims to realize a digital geographical visualization of the different places of birth, activity (training, teaching, political or cultural activity) and death of all the ancient philosophers documented in the CIRIS database. The main objective is to show the geographical diversity of philosophy in Antiquity: diversity of origin but also diversity of practice, in order to propose a decentralized vision more in line with the cultural reality of the different intellectual centers. The maps are accompanied by animated GIFs that allow a chronological contextualization of the movements and emergence of centers of study (philosophical schools, libraries, etc.) over a period ranging from the 7th century BC to the 8th century AD. The maps can be seen in the appendix of the CIRIS database:


The project was carried out by a team coordinated by Julie Giovacchini (Centre Jean Pépin). The scientific leaders of the project are Aurélien Berra (UMR 8210 EPHE-Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne-EHESS-Université Paris 7-CNRS), Laurent Capron (Centre Jean Pépin) and Catherine Psilakis (Université Claude Bernard-Lyon 1). The project is co-financed by the Labex HASTEC, the Centre Jean Pépin and the ANHIMA laboratory.

Download a presentation of the project in the newsletter of Ile-de-France Villejuif Delegation (p. 3-4)

Seminars 2022-2023

Analysis and editing of ancient sources, 4th year : Learning of tools for analysis and digital editions from a case study (Marc. gr. XI, 1)

Laurent CAPRON, Julie GIOVACCHINI, Sébastien GRIGNON, Juliette LEMAIRE

ENS, salle L. et M.-H. Schwartz (Info 2), immeuble Rataud, un mercredi sur deux, 10h30-12h30.
Première séance : 21 septembre 2022

The analysis and editing of Greek or Latin texts require the use of a wide range of working tools, whose approach and use have been completely renewed with the development of computers and digital resources. This reconfiguration raises many questions: durability and updating of editions, identification of objects, referencing of data, etc. But this turning point in the philological sciences is above all a shift of limits that we have yet to identify.

This seminar will propose a first critical approach of these tools; during the second semester, it will be based more particularly on extracts of an unpublished anthology of texts preserved in the manuscript Venice, Marc. gr. XI, 1 (= coll. 452), which will be analyzed in order to produce a critical and digital edition. The participants will be regularly asked to do application exercises. Participation in the seminar does not require any previous technical skills.

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